Cathy is my best customer. She makes me feel so good about my bags. She’s got a degree in Textiles, is on the board for Sewing for Babies, has tons of sewing experience and chooses ME to make bags for her. Cathy, who sadly is blogless, always has lots of crafty projects going on, so she needs lots of tote bags.
The bag design was a little challenging. With all of the patterns and stripes, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t too busy once it was put together. Once I figured out the handles, though, the rest just worked itself out!
I wanted to do something special for Cathy to show my appreciation for her support, so I made her a coordinating pouch and bookmark. The pouch pattern is from Bend-the-Rules Sewing, so I won’t be selling them. They may find their way into random bags here and there as a little gift, though.
Speaking of custom bags, I’ve donated a bag to Christy’s month of Autism Awareness. She’ll be making a special announcement about the giveaway sometime today. Make sure you visit her blog for the details!