felted wool pincushion + bread

I’ve been sewing up a lot of pin cushions. They’re so cute and easy to make. Plus, I’ve got lots of small pieces of felted wool just begging to be sewn into something fun. I plan to list more in my shop over the next week or so.

pin cushion

Also, I just know you’ve been dying to know how my bread turned out. Well, it is awesome! It’s the easiest, fastest and best tasting bread I’ve ever made! So far I’ve baked the basic boule and cracked loaf recipes. I think I might make another loaf this evening. I’m hoping to sneak more and more whole wheat flour in this recipe and have this replace T’s sandwich bread.



4 Replies to “felted wool pincushion + bread”

  1. i agree! the bread looks spectacular! what recipe did you use? did you make it by hand or with a bread machine? i want to make that bread! :-) did i miss a blog about bread before today’s?

    also, what cute pincushions!



  2. Shoot! I thought you were going to give the recipe! Oh well, I have put the book on my Amazon wish list.

  3. Hmmm!
    Is there going to be a new bakery vendor at the farmers’ market this year?

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