meathead kal

I’ve joined my first kal (knit along). I’m planning to do a cornhusker theme with my meathead, since I live in Nebraska and all. I purchased some red Lamb’s Pride Bulky last Saturday, but still need to get the yarn for my embellishment. Can anyone guess what that might be? Tonight is knitting group and I’m going to take this along. I’m also going to take M’s blanket, which is still not finished because I’m not really happy with it. It’s not knitting up like I imagined at all. This was supposed to be an heirloom kind of project, and I don’t think I can look at it the way it is for years to come if I am so unhappy with it. Last week I got some tough love on another blanket project I am working on for my parents. Hopefully tonight I’ll get some of the same. I’m thinking I’ll need to frog and reknit, but maybe someone can suggest a way to salvage it.

this knitting thing is getting serious

knitting group

Yesterday was our knitting group’s first Lunch & Knit event and by the end of the day, I was a new member of the The Knitting Guild Association and Secretary for the new Lincoln Chapter. I know it may seem to some that I’ve been slacking on the knitting this summer.

bk blanket

Exhibit A: Baby K’s blanket—still not finished!

I have to blame that on the pregnancy. Usually I sit in front of the tv in the evenings and knit up a storm, but for the past few months all I do is put my feet up on some pillows and close my eyes. I’ve even missed a few Wednesday night meetings because I’m just too tired and uncomfortable to leave the couch.

But I still love knitting. I read books and websites, I plan projects for the future, and most of all, I love the group of knitters that I have met in Lincoln. Pretty soon, the needles will start going again, and I’ll have a little guest to bring to our meetings. Until then, I’m just going to keep on with this blanket and hope I get it done before the first frost in October.

knitting + math

Yesterday I peeled myself off the couch to go to knitting group, and I’m so glad that I did! I stayed for almost two hours and didn’t get much knitting done, but I did a lot of socializing. I’d show you what I am working on, but I ripped most of it out and started over tonight. (Also, the battery in the camera needs to be recharged.) It all has to do with that pesky math and the fact that garter stitch has a 2 to 1 ratio of rows to stitches. I know what you’re thinking—she just has Pregnancy Brain. But really, I checked with some other knitters and the pattern in the book doesn’t have the math right.

Speaking of math, my knitting groups are starting to add up. The first one I joined meets twice a month. Then, I got invited to one that meets every Wednesday. And after that, one more that meets once a month. I know I must sound like Crazy Knitting Lady, but these groups have been great. For the past year, T and I got up, ate breakfast together, worked in the same office together, ate lunch and dinner together, hung out in the evening together and went to bed together. There were some weeks where we didn’t leave the house much at all. T and I are husband and wife, best friends and a great working team, but I really needed to get out more. He has his car club, and even though I go to events with him and have tons of fun, cars just aren’t My Thing.

I’m not sure how knitting became My Thing. It might be because it’s very calming and meditative. It might be because I spend so much time being creative on the computer that I miss being creative with my hands. It could be because I can create Things out of yarn: Scarves! Hats! Blankets! Sweaters! I can turn yarn into fabric into actual Things! And it just might be that I have met so many awesome people in person and online who share my passion. After the summer, two of my knitting groups will be merging—just in time for the arrival of Baby K. I guess I am going to have to try scheduling nap time around knitting group. Wish me luck.

socks are finished!

I’ve been neglecting the blog. Life has been busy. This weekend was the first time since the Olympics began that I’ve had some time to myself. And I used that time to finish my socks. Some work has been left undone, as well as grocery shopping and laundry. But my socks are finished. I’ve got gold!

finished socks

Socks always intimidated me. I’m not sure if it was knitting with multiple dpns or all those heel short rows. But they weren’t as bad as I had feared. In fact, they were kind of fun! Don’t get me wrong — there were a few false starts, some frogging, and plenty of cursing at the kitchener stitch.

But in the end it was worth it. I’ve conquered my fear of socks and will be wearing them for the closing ceremonies. Oh, and anyone who got a scarf for Christmas last year, there is a good chance you’ll be getting a pair of handknit socks this year.

olympic sock update

I am totally digging knitting socks. Of course, I haven’t reached the heel yet, and my opinion might change after that, but so far so good. Friday night was actually a cast-on nightmare. I’m not used to working with such small needles and fine yarn. It took incredibly too long for me to to cast on and knit the first row. So long, that I’m not even going to admit to the actual time. Here was my progress as of Saturday morning:

olympic sock 1

After a whopping eight rows, I realized I cast on two extra stitches and my ribbing went around in knit 2 purl 2 with a big, honkin’ knit 4 right in the middle. I tried to convince myself to embrace the imperfection and to just keep on knitting. I couldn’t go throught that cast on nightmare again! But I was only 8 rows into the sock. It seemed silly not to rip. I got some online advice on the cast-on process, and it helped tremendously. I cast on using two needles for a looser stitch. I also knit the first row on one needle before I moved the stitches to the other needles. It worked! And totally saved my sanity. So now I am back on track and on my way toward the heel. Here is my progress to date:

olympic sock 2

knitting olympics

So, I’ve decided to take the Olympic Challenge. Yarn Harlot’s 2006 Knitting Olympics. I’m going to attempt my first pair of socks. I’m excited to learn how to knit socks. They are small, portable projects that are easy to take on the go. And although I can only wear so many scarves, I can always use another pair of socks! I’m hoping that if I get stuck, the women at Knitting Group can “coach” me through them. Plus, I have an excuse to buy more knitting stuff, because I’ll need some small dpns* and sock yarn. Woo!

*double pointed needles

first in a knitting series

As many of you know (mostly because I couldn’t shut up about it) I knit a lot of our holiday gifts this year. It’s too early to post finished Christmas knitting, but here are some birthday gifts I knit for T’s parents. His Mom’s birthday is tomorrow and his Dad’s is in January.

Durga's stole