swipe file: under the palapa

aruba beach

I made a resolution to check in with my creativity at least once a day in 2013. Life gets crazy sometimes and I have a habit of ignoring my creative spirit. Last year I let too many of those days happen.

I may not always have a new project or photo to share, but I’ve got a hard drive filled with beautiful images that I’ve taken over the years. I like to think of them as a swipe file of sorts: not springboards for new ideas, but rather snapshots of past inspiration. When I’m really busy or get stuck on something, it’s my hope that visiting with these images will keep my creative muscles limber.

Did you make any creative resolutions for this year?

my daughter has a good eye


Every once and a while my daughter grabs the iPad and starts clicking away. I should probably start a series for her pics.

I love this shot. Yes, it’s grainy and blurry, but there’s something about the movement and composition that just gets me every time I look at it.

Do the children in your life capture amazing moments? Share in the comments!

granny cowl gifts

I guess it’s safe to say that I’m addicted to double crochet clusters. Is there a 12 Step Program for that? Here are two more gifts I made for the holidays.

purple granny cowl

This is the one that started it all. The yarn is from my stash. I’m not 100% sure of the brands, but I can tell there’s some merino wool in there. It is so soft!

blue granny cowl

I have had this single skein of Manos del Uruguay in my stash for a few years. You know how sometimes you just have to wait for the yarn to speak to you? It finally said “granny cowl” and turned out beautiful.

Coming up: the möbius and a fabric cowl.

mending: when you buy it at target


I had planned on making this Hello Kitty crochet hat for my daughter for Christmas, but when I saw something similar at Target, I decided to buy it instead. It was a decision very unlike me. After all, I’m the one who made an Angry Bird last year!

Of course, after just a few days of wear, Hello Kitty lost her bow. It was barely tacked on with the tiniest of thread. Luckily I noticed before it was lost forever. I guess that’s what happens when you choose store bought over handmade. Lesson learned.

no crochet or knitting during football


My favorite part of football season is getting comfy on the couch with some yarn and crocheting/knitting the afternoon away. The Ravens are making it difficult to do that this year. Tonight’s game was especially stressful. My tension would have been so tight!

My daughter made a little poster that says “Ravens are awesome!” Should I be worried that her Raven looks like an angry bird?

new yarn motivation


I finished up the granny cowl and I thought my new yarn might motivate me to finish up one more project. It’s crazy, right? I mean how long can I resist the new yarn?

This is Boheme #3. It’s been on hold since before the holidays. Gotta get it done. I do have pics of Boheme #2. I’ll try to post them soon. (Boheme #1 is here.)

my daughter, the reader


When my daughter was younger, many of our afternoons were spent with a big stack of books on the living room floor. I’d read while crocheting and she’d turn the pages. As she began to read on her own, she’d spent hours in her room re-reading those books to herself. I knew the stories. I was familiar with the characters. Everything she knew, I knew.

Then she started kindergarten and the librarian introduced her to chapter books. In the beginning we read them together, first alternating pages and then alternating chapters. Then one day she sat down and read a Judy Moody from cover to cover by herself and that was it.

At one magical instant in your early childhood, the page of a book—that string of confused, alien ciphers—shivered into meaning. Words spoke to you, gave up their secrets; at that moment, whole universes opened. You became, irrevocably, a reader. — Alberto Manguel

Now I am officially out of the loop and it’s a little weird. I don’t know the names of the Zig Zag kids or about any of the Magic Treehouse adventures. Do Fashion Kitty and Bad Kitty have actual names? What about Judy Moody’s brother Stink? All the sudden, knowing the name of the Man in the Yellow Hat no longer seems impressive. (It’s Ted, by the way.)

I love that we still go to the library together. I love curling up with her on the couch while we both read our own stories. I love that she loves books. But I have to admit that when I watch her become completely absorbed, I imagine the characters and stories swirling around in her head, and I can’t help but feel a little left out.