my creative space

my creative space

My last flurry of crochet activity left me with very little black and white yarn in my stash. It also left me with tired wrists. I confess that I haven’t stitched a thing since last Saturday. I’m sure you know the feeling: one more stitch and you’ll be out of commission for way too long. Although, four days is an awfully long time for me. I think Sunday’s long stint in the kitchen chopping, peeling, stirring and dish washing didn’t help. Neither did all of that laundry folding. See where housework gets you?

Back to the yarn. I gave away most of my “amigurumi stash” of acrylic awhile ago because I wasn’t using it. I saved a few balls of neutral colors, but the Halloween critters used up most of that. I just happened to stumble across a black and white cotton/acrylic blend sweater at the thrift store yesterday. Crafty kismet! It was super easy to unravel and now I’m sitting her looking at my hook and trying to decide if I’m ready to start up again. Maybe I’ll just go to bed early tonight and start fresh tomorrow.

What’s in your creative space today? Check out the much more productive players over at Kirsty’s blog.

wacky wednesday preschool snack

Today was my daughter’s snack day at school. On Monday at the grocery store she announced she wanted to take grapes and milk. I thought that was pretty easy. Then we got home and she informed me that her snack day is on Wacky Wednesday.

I don’t remember doing this in school, do you? You wear wacky clothes: socks that don’t match, shirts backwards, off season things. The whole day is weird with wacky crafts and games. I figured we needed to bring a wacky snack, but what to do with grapes? I finally came up with this little caterpillar kabob.

caterpillar grape kabob

I used bamboo skewers that we had on hand and cut them in half with heavy duty scissors. I also cut off the sharp points. Eyes were made out of little balls of (very cold) cream cheese frosting and mini chocolate chips. The teachers thought they were pretty cool. I hope the kids like them, too.

hello november!

early morning frost

I don’t have any crafty pictures today, so I thought I’d share one that I took of the morning frost at the park. It’s got me thinking about the cold weather that’s almost upon us. (Here’s a larger size so you can see the ice crystals.)

My daughter goes on a hike at nature school, so we can’t simply run from the car to the door. Well, I can, but she’s got to dress for the weather. I have to pull out her hat and mittens and see if they still fit.

I’m mending one of my favorite sweaters that has worn elbows. I’m taking pictures and will share all of the steps with you this week.

I made a big pot of soup and an apple crisp this weekend. I also spent a lot of time under my one of my favorite blankets.

I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving and making holiday gift lists.

Today I voted. Tomorrow I will turn the phone ringer back on.

putting a dent in that big spool of wool

more crochet vases

Believe it or not, I’m still crocheting little vases. In fact, I just received a wholesale order for three sets. I’ve finally worked through most of my tan and navy wool and can’t wait to start using some new color combinations.

Thank goodness it’s football season. If you need me, I’ll be on the couch surrounded by yarn.

last-minute abby cadabby fairy wings

abby cadabby fairy wings

My daughter insisted she was going to wear her Abby Cadabby costume again for Halloween. I was a little worried she might change her mind at the last minute. Yesterday I asked her what she was going to wear underneath the skirt. She told me the pink leggings and silver fairy shoes she wore last year. I reminded her that she no longer fits in those and suggested jeans and her school shoes.

Well, that was not going to work. Abby Cadabby does not wear jeans or regular shoes, she told me. Oh, and she needed fairy wings this year. Last year she didn’t need them because she had a wand, but this year she had to have both.

I tried to go the easy route. Thankfully, Target had silver fairy shoes and pink leggings in her size. The costume area was totally picked over and there were no wings to be found. I came home and dug through my stash for some felt, stuffing and ribbon. Luckily, I wound up with something that could pass as fairy wings. She loves them. I like that they aren’t attached to anything so she can wear them over a sweater or coat if it gets cold.

What on earth would I do without a sewing machine and fabric stash?

my creative space

trick or treat bags

The kids exchanged treats at my daughter’s preschool party today. Thankfully, the Skittles came in an orange package. Paired with a black ribbon, these little bags turned out cute and easy. Good thing about the easy because I had to make emergency fairy wings last night, too.

reuse and repurpose: I bought glassine bags instead of Halloween bags so I can use the leftovers for other projects. The ribbon is vintage seam binding, which you can usually find in bags of assorted widths and colors at thrift stores and garage sales.

halloween overload

crochet ghost black cat candy corn spider amigurumi

I spent the last few days crocheting up a spooky storm. I think I am finished with Halloween-themed crafts and ready to just sit and eat some candy. Phew!

I stayed up late last night putting the finish touches on these cuties, packaged them up for the mail, and then headed out to the pumpkin patch. It was a beautiful day to be outside with good friends, creepy amusements and funnel cake for lunch.

pumpkin patch

On the schedule for tomorrow: my daughter’s Halloween party at school in the morning and trick-or-treating at the zoo in the evening. When did Halloween become so darn busy?

pattern info: The ghost and cat are loosely based on the Skeleton Bride and Devil patterns from Creepy Cute Crochet. The candy corn began as a free pattern from Lion Brand with added rows and a rounded bottom to match the others. The spider is over here.

tiny crochet spider pattern

crochet spider amigurumi

Thank you for the wonder feedback on my little pumpkin pattern. I’ve received the nicest comments and have been flattered by how many people have linked back to it.

When I sat down a few weeks ago to make some little crochet balls, I didn’t intend to whip up a bunch of Halloween-inspired projects, but you go where the inspiration takes you.

This spooky little spider is fast and easy to make. You still have plenty of time to crochet one (or a few) before October 31st. Have fun!

Spider Legs (make eight)
These are just like the pumpkin stem, only longer.
R1: chain 12
R2: sc in second bump from hook, sc in next ten bumps*

Spider Body
Crochet Rows 1-11 of Tiny Crochet Ball with black yarn.

Before stuffing, attach or embroider eyes. Then attach legs, four on each side. Bury ends inside body.

Stuff and finish off with Row 12.

*Go into the bumps on the back of the chain, not the stitches on the front of the chain.

more glue stick collages

cutting and sorting photos for collages

Wow. This time last year I was doing the same exact thing: cutting out pictures for my daughter to paste on paper. It must be the official start of the holiday direct mail season.

Last year we put all of the shapes together in a single envelope, which created a lot of mess. She’d dump all of them out just to find one or two that she wanted. This year we are sorting them by category to make it a little easier.

Now that she’s using scissors, this is even more fun for her. Of course, we’ve created a whole different mess of scraps on the floor, but who cares. It keeps her busy and she enjoys it. I just need to remind her that we only cut paper and not hair!

envelopes: My daughter loves writing little notes and was cruising through my stash of envelopes. I started saving the ones that come with all of our junk mail. She’s got a nice supply now and that’s what we used to sort her cutouts.

catalogs: Did you know you can cut down the amount of paper that gets delivered to your mailbox? I’ve had good luck with Catalog Choice. Only problem is when you order something new, you get put on the mailing list again. At least we’re putting the catalogs to good use!