fabric from india

Another internationally-inspired blog post! I’ve had this fabric for awhile and can’t believe I neglected to share it with you.

A few months ago, my father-in-law went to India and asked if I wanted anything. I told him a little bit of fabric — something colorful — if it wasn’t any trouble. (Trips back to India are usually filled with lots of family obligations and little time for shopping.)

fabric from india

I was blown away when I received my package! Aren’t these gorgeous? I know I’ll make one or two summer skirts, but I’m not sure I’ll do with the rest. It’s all so beautiful I don’t want to cut into it.

AFPs: Believe it or not, I’ve got some Actual Finished Projects to post for the rest of the week. (I can hear a collective, “It’s about time!”)

i finally bought a craft book from japan

I love looking at photos of Japanese craft books online, but I’ve never really felt compelled to buy one. Then I got sick, slowed on the crafting front and spent way too much time on ebay. (I’m feeling MUCH better, by the way. Thank you for all of the well wishes!)

japanese crochet book

I saw this book and immediately fell in love with the cover. Isn’t that blanket motif beautiful? I got even more excited as I scrolled through the sample pages. Here are some of my favorites. (All photos from the ebay listing.)

japanese crochet book

japanese crochet book

japanese crochet book

Now comes the waiting for shipping from Japan. I’m already impatient!

resource: There are lots of places to buy Japanese craft books online: etsy.com, ebay.com, yesasia.com and amazon.co.jp. The best site I’ve found to track down ISBN numbers is Crafting Japanese. If you’re just interested in browsing, search for “japanese craft book” on flickr for tons of eye candy.

knitting and planting

planting seeds

Today was another slow day. I feel bad for my daughter. She’s getting bored with this mama-isn’t-feeling-well business. I tried to make today all about her. Most of the morning we hung out on the living room floor. She did her thing and I worked on another charity blanket square.

After lunch, the sun came out, and we spent some time on the deck planting seeds. She painted this little flower pot in school for Mother’s/Father’s day and her teacher put a packet of marigold seeds in it.

planting seeds

We planted a few in the pot and some other small containers I found in the garage. She was having so much fun that I decided to make some paper pots so she could keep on planting. Toilet paper rolls cut in half also work well. You can just drop the whole thing in the ground when it’s ready!

planting seeds

It was a good, but tiring day. I am ready to be feeling better and back at my sewing machine. Those upholstery sample totes are calling my name!

stash: Acrylic yarn from my stash. I don’t remember where I got my PotMaker. I’ve had it a long time. It’s just like this one.

plying sweater yarn

plying sweater yarn

I’m still feeling a bit under the weather, but I managed to play around with my drop spindle for awhile today. This ball of yarn comes straight off the sweater. I’m trying to take it from lightweight to worsted. So far, not so bad. I’m kind of making this up as I go along. We’ll see how it turns out.

recycle: Sweater from here. Drop spindle details here.

my creative space

taking it easy today

My creative space is filled with other creative folks today. I woke up feeling a little under the weather (ok, a lot under the weather) and decided to take it easy. I spent the day curled up with this blanket, reading my copy of Craft Corps, and working on more of these.

Visit Kirsty’s blog for more creative spaces. I’m off to bed and hope to be feeling more crafty tomorrow.

totes in waiting

upholstery sample totes

Thank you everyone for the sweet comments on my giveaway tote. I’ve been overwhelmed by your responses! They’ve inspired me to make some more totes from my upholstery stash. Last night I put together color combinations for three more bags. Now, if I can only find the time to sew them up!

recycle: All of these are thrifted fabrics. Aren’t they lovely?

bella’s first ice cream social

I can’t believe it. My “baby” is almost finished her first year of preschool. How did that happen so fast? Last week they had an ice cream party at the park for all of the kids and their families.

ice cream social

It was nice for me to chat with some of the moms for longer than, “Good morning!” and “Have a nice weekend!” Of course, the kids enjoyed their ice cream and playground sugar rush.

preschool party

I couldn’t be more happy with our choice of schools. She loves it there. She also loves her teachers. Can you tell?

ice cream social

sew, mama, sew giveaway day!

Congratulations to Vicki for winning the Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway tote bag!

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I’m participating in Sew, Mama, Sew’s giveaway day again. I just love this idea. You can enter my giveaway below and then head over to their website and enter hundreds more! (Yes, hundreds!)

sew mama sew tote bag giveaway

I’m giving away a tote bag. It’s a little smaller than some of my recent bags — the perfect size for knit and crochet, small sewing, and embroidery projects. It would also make a cute purse!

sew mama sew tote bag giveaway

It’s got two big pockets inside and closes with a ribbon tie. The outside and pockets are from a really cute upholstery fabric sample.

sew mama sew tote bag giveaway

How to enter: Leave a comment and tell me how you would use this bag — to hold creative projects? as a purse? something else?

Bonus entry: Subscribe to my rss feed and leave another comment to be entered.

Another bonus entry: “Like” my Facebook page and leave another comment to be entered. (Why did they change that? It sounds even weirder than “Fan.”)

sew mama sew tote bag giveaway

I’ll ship internationally, so everyone has a chance to win! You have until Midnight CT, May 20th to enter. I’ll pick the winner using a random number generator. Good luck!

Now go check out more giveaways over at Sew, Mama, Sew!

recycle: All of the materials for this tote were thrifted (i.e., saved from the landfill).

world’s smallest garage sale

garage sale

I love going to garage sales. Having them is another story. Every May my neighborhood has garage sale weekend. My first one was very organized: everything was tagged, I had tables, there were signs. I spent all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday sitting in my least favorite room of the house. It was exhausting. I swore I’d never have another one.

Then the 2010 Spring Cleaning began. I found a lot of big items that I wanted to get out of the house. Big, heavy items that weren’t quite big and heavy enough to ask the Mission truck to come pick them up, but too big and heavy for me to pile in my car and make a few trips to donate. When I realized that the neighborhood sales were this weekend, I decided to put them out and beg people to take them away try to sell them.

Earlier in the week I had taken a lot of my daughter’s clothes and toys up to Once Upon a Child. This place is awesome. You drop off your bins of stuff, come back a few hours later and pick up a check. So I really didn’t have a lot to put out. My goal was to close shop once all of the big, heavy stuff was gone. If I sold any kid stuff in the process, it was icing on the cake.

Not much was tagged. My biggest signs were, “Make me and offer” and “Free.” I’m happy to report that I met my goal and closed the garage door after lunch on Friday (with a few hours to spare for my favorite church sale, which was this weekend, too).

The weirdest thing: I made almost the same amount of money with my Once Upon a Child visit and loosey-goosey garage sale as I made with the long, tiring and involved garage sale. Plus, I had A LOT LESS left over. Is this a recipe for success? Maybe I’ll test it out next year and see!

the string: Yes, it’s kind of weird, but I had to block off my garage. People kept wandering in and looking for stuff on sale. I had to tell them, really, what’s in the driveway is all. Our lawn mower and my daughter’s bike are not for sale!

my creative space

handmade gifts

Good grief! May is almost half over! You wouldn’t know it by the weather. It feels more like Fall than Spring. Yesterday I realized I’ve got some gift making to do this month. I can’t give too much detail right now, but I’m combining this with some handmade goodies from etsy.com. I’ll do a full reveal after they’ve been gifted.

Check out more creative spaces over at Kirsty’s blog.