my creative space

my creative space

Are you sitting down? My creative space is filled with knitting today. Yes, I said knitting. Can you believe it? It’s been awhile.

Our local guild is making squares for charity blankets again. I took a break from this last year, but the year before I met my goal of 12 squares — one a month. I was hoping to meet that goal again in 2010, but here it is almost May and I’m on my first square! We’ll see how many I get done.

There were some lovely creative spaces last week listed on Kirsty’s blog. Did you check them out? You should!

stash and pattern: More acrylic from my thrifted stash. These skeins must multiply when I’m not looking! The patterns are being chosen by the group. This is the January square listed on the Hanks website.

vickie howell’s craft corps: page 216!

vickie howell craft corps

I’m not sure where to begin. I received a copy of Vickie Howell’s Craft Corps yesterday and I’m just amazed at how jam packed it is with interviews of and stories about our fellow crafters. I am also honored to be included with such talented people.

vickie howell craft corps

This is not a book that you just flip through at the store, but rather one you bring home and sink your teeth into. I can’t wait to learn more about my favorite crafters and to discover new ones, too.

Vickie did an amazing job with this book. I highly recommend it!

Make sure to visit the Craft Corps website and add your story, too!

first haircut!

bella's first haircut

It took some convincing, but Bella finally agreed to let me make an appointment for her first haircut. Thankfully, Miss Shannie has a salon in her home and lives right across the street. She also has a TV for watching PBS Kids and lollipops for afterward.

bella's first haircut

We only cut a little bit off — just evened up the back with the front. Without the extra weight, her super duper curls spring right up! She loves that her curls don’t get tangled anymore. We love that she no longer screams when we brush her hair.

Is it possible that she’s even cuter now?

thrifty find: zig zag quilt

I can’t believe it took so long for me to write about my daughter’s new quilt. I think it’s because I had a hard time getting a nice picture of it. Usually it’s covered in stuffed animals and books. I just recently took this pic while she was in school.

thrifted quilt

I’m not exactly sure when I found this, but it was still cold out. I remember having a conversation with my husband about our daughter’s new bed needing a comforter. I had looked for one that week, but nothing had seemed quite right. Once you eliminated licensed characters, it was slim pickings.

I also remember sharing this story with my friend. Less than two hours later we had discovered this brand new, handmade quilt. The lady said there’s a group of women in a Small Nebraska Town (I can’t remember the name) who make quilts and donate them to the store. Isn’t it beautiful?

thrifted quilt

thrifting: Sometimes all you have to do let the universe — and a friend with a good eye — know what you need. The rest takes care of itself.

liberty of target tote hack

Confession time: my daughter’s dress wasn’t the only Liberty of Target item I bought last month. I fell in love with this tote on the website and was disappointed when I got to the store and realized it was oil cloth. I almost put it back a few times while I was shopping, but in the end, the print won me over.

liberty of london target tote bag

After using it a few times as a knitting tote, I wished I hadn’t bought it. The cloth was so stiff that even a small ball of yarn gave it a goofy bump in the middle. Then I thought, I make tote bags. Why don’t I stop complaining and just fix the darn thing?

liberty of london target tote bag

So I added a four inch gusset and prettied it up with some vintage buttons on the side. It’s still stiff, but much more functional.

liberty of london target tote bag

I’ve actually started using it for my daily purse, even though it’s kind of big. I still wish it was fabric, but I really do love those little flowers.

future thrifting?
I’m wondering if others were as frustrated with this bag. Maybe they’ll start showing up at the thrift stores?

sweater wool 220

upcycled sweater yarn

After yesterday’s trade, I got to thinking about my stash. My projects are usually small: hats, scarves, fingerless gloves. There’s no way I’ll use an entire sweater’s worth of wool or cotton for anything. So, I’ve decided to keep some and share some. First up is the beautiful cream and gray wool I’ve been working my way through. It looks so lovely after I took the kinks out. I’ve got a skein of 220 yards in my shop. You’ll find more pictures and details there, too.

my creative space

In my creative space today, I’ve been trading work for materials. Last week, a friend saw my happy little airplane and asked if I would make one for her son. “I’ve got sweaters to trade!” She even checked the seams to make sure they weren’t serged.

sweaters for unraveling

The original airplane was really big. Much bigger than I thought it would be. Would it be ok if I made a smaller version? “Deal!”

mini small airplane amigurumi

I find this happens a lot in my circle of crafty friends. We’ve all got items we’re ready to pass along and services to use for trade. It’s a never ending re-cycle.

The list of creative spaces keeps growing! Visit Kirsty’s blog to see them all.

another successful flower appliqué

flower for spring hat

My daughter doesn’t really like wearing hats, unless it’s her Nebraska Husker hat. I bought this little bucket hat at Neat Repeatz, long before it would ever fit her. I just fell in love with the denim and unfinished edges. It finally fits, but I knew I’d have to come up with something special to get her to wear it.

I asked her if she’d like me to crochet a flower for it. Yes! What colors would she like? Red and white! (Husker colors, of course.) Would she like to pick out the flower pattern? Yes! Yes!

I whipped this up Sunday morning and she wore it to the zoo on Monday. I’d say she had it on about 95% of the time — a definite success!

wardrobe refashion, stash and pattern: Cotton yarn from my stash, left over from knitting baby bibs. Pattern from Crochet Adorned, which I received via

the zoo is open!

We had a wonderful day at the zoo with friends today. The weather was beautiful! The girls were cute! And I forgot my camera! Oh, well. Cell phone pics are better than no pics, right?

bella at the zoo

Bella in her new spring hat.

bella at the zoo

First pony ride of the season.

bella at the zoo

Girls hanging in the Bug House.

bella at the zoo

Seriously, girls? Mealy worms?

bella at the zoo

Eww! I mean, wow! Cool!

wardrobe refashion: red linen skirt

So, what was I doing Friday evening instead of writing a blog post? Sewing! Unfortunately, I didn’t finish until it was too dark to take pictures. But to make up for it, I’ve got a before pic for this one!

red linen skirt

Another long skirt — this one I originally bought to use for tote bags. That was before I started refashioning. But there were a few nit picky things that bugged me about it, so I had to weigh my options.


  • Pockets!
  • Beautiful red color.
  • Linen/rayon blend.


  • Really wide elastic waistband.
  • Drawstring.
  • Faux zipper flap. (Seriously? What the heck?)

red linen skirt

I figured I could fix two out of three and live with the wide elastic, so out came the scissors! First I cut about 10 inches off the bottom and finished it with a 1/2 inch double hem. I removed the drawstring and closed up the holes with a slip stitch. Then I tacked down that weird faux zipper flap with a slip stitch, too.

red linen skirt

This skirt comes with a bonus matching top. I plan on using the leftover fabric from the skirt to make this a little longer. I think it might also need some shaping. Any other suggestions?

thrifted: Both of these were garage sale finds. I think it’s kind of funny that I bought them to make totes and now I’m going to wear them!