thrifty thursday

It’s that time of year again: Neat Repeatz. I feel like there was even more clothing to go through than years past. I’m so glad I went while my daughter was in school or I might have come home with a lot more dresses!

red white and blue dress

She loved everything I bought, but these are my two favorite. I almost put the red dress back on the rack, and she told me that it’s her favorite. So glad I decided to get it!

red strawberry dress

thrifting: This is such an overwhelming event, but I’m always glad I go. I looked at both 4T and 5T sizes. Hopefully, everything will fit my string bean!

my creative space

pink fabric for purse

In my creative space today is this beautiful pink fabric. I think it should become a purse. Not a boxy, tote-like bag, but a fancy, dressy purse. It’s got this shiny, metallic thread woven in it that glitters in the sun. It was hard to get a close up, but you can kind of see it here.

pink fabric for purse

It would make a sweet Spring purse, don’t you think?

You can visit more creative spaces over at Kirsty’s blog.

thrifted: I think this was originally a long, wrap-around skirt. I bought it at a church sale last year and figure it’s about time I did something with it!

wardrobe refashion: the first of many t-shirts

nebraska t shirt

You know you’re getting old when the phrase, “They don’t make them like they used to…” creeps into your conversations. But seriously, can someone explain to me how my Gap t-shirts from college are still going strong almost 20 years later, but t-shirts from the past few years are falling apart?

I have this grand idea of updating all of those boxy, over-sized tees into a more modern and flattering fit. First, I need some practice. I’ve made a few patterns from existing t-shirts that I like and I’m also trying out the t-shirt pattern in Wendy Mullin’s Sew U Stretch.

My first try was a thrifted XL Nebraska shirt. It turned out pretty good for a beginner shirt. The sleeves are kind of tricky, though. I definitely need a little bit more practice before cutting into my ol’ Gap favorites.

thrifted: I always try to practice on thrifted material and clothing first. I’d rather mess up on a 99 cent t-shirt than on the good stuff!

once and awhile i buy something new

liberty of london target dress

I know it might be shocking to some, but this weekend I actually bought a brand new piece of clothing. Yesterday was Liberty of London’s Target debut. I have to admit that I was a little underwhelmed at the selection. Until I saw this cute dress for my daughter, that is.

liberty of london target dress

I really love this print. I’ve even set it as my desktop wallpaper (click on “pattern your world”). I’m a little disappointed in the fabric, though. In fact, a lot of the items didn’t even seem up to Target’s usual quality. But those flowers are so very pretty. I couldn’t resist.

Did you shop at Liberty of Target this weekend? What did you get?

refashion: After this season, I can easily turn this dress into a skirt for next year, don’t you think?

my daughter’s first necklace

Thank you to everyone who commented about their creative time of day. I’m encouraged that so many of you find the morning hours so productive. I’m definitely going to give it a try. I even went to bed early last night! Of course, that might have had something to do with the major destash and deep cleaning of my creative space. I was pretty exhausted the next day.

My parents also went home yesterday. The first few days after their visits are always an adjustment, especially getting my daughter back into her routine with some independent play time. Today I got some precious time alone while she strung beads. I helped her get started and then she just took off!

stringing beads

Excuse the jammies, but Fridays are usually our “stay at home” days. I did make her get dressed before lunch, and she spent the rest of her day wearing her new necklace. Here she is crafting at her special end of the kitchen table.

stringing beads

As for me, well, I’ve got a lot of projects that are almost finished. The weather has been kind of glum the past few days. Yesterday we even had snow! I’m hoping for sun this weekend so I can take some pictures for the blog. I’ve got some fun things to share!

stash: Beads are actually from my amigurumi stash. My daughter has been asking to play with them forever. I think they might become her jewelry stash.

my creative space

spring cleaning and donating

I’m spring cleaning in my creative space today. Three bags of fabric and craft goodies are going to my friend Sarah, who gave me the yarn from last week. I also packed up three bags of clothing that I had planned to upcycle into something else. That’s going to The Mission. I figure there are folks who need those jeans more than I do, and I’ve still got plenty of stash to keep me busy.

I’m already feeling inspired by my uncluttered creative space. Now I’m going to pop over to Kirsty’s blog for more inspiration.

what’s the most creative time of your day?

I love the wee hours of the morning. Some of my fondest memories are from my little apartment in Baltimore staying up until 2, 3, or 4 a.m. just drawing, reading or listening to music.

Summertime was my favorite. I lived right in the middle of Mt. Vernon’s night life: restaurants, bars, dance clubs. I’d throw open the windows and work to the background of music and laughter rising up from the streets. Sometimes I’d walk to the bookstore cafe and get a late night coffee just before they closed at midnight. The humidity in the air made the street lamps glow. It was magical.

Fifteen years later I am facing the fact that my favorite time of day just isn’t working for me anymore. I need my full eight hours of sleep. Count backward from when my daughter springs out of bed and the numbers just don’t work. One late night can throw off my whole schedule and start me on a downward spiral of over-caffeinated mornings and afternoon naps.

I know I need to get up before the rest of the house to get quality work done. I know the mornings can be magical in their own special way: the smell of freshly brewed coffee, sunrises, dew drops outside my window. I know I need to make a change. I just can’t let go of my nights.

What about you?

Do you get up when the rooster crows or are you a night owl, too? Have you ever changed things up? How did it work for you? Did it stick? Was it hard to do? Do you miss your old ways or love your new way of life? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. I really want to know!

wardrobe refashion: pj pants to nightshirt

When I was at my craft weekend away, one of my friends was serging a nightshirt for her daughter. Another friend was making dresses out of t-shirt scraps. I blame them for this crazy idea: a nightshirt out of a pajama top and bottom scraps.

pajamas night shirt

This was a lot cuter in my head and my sketches than it turned out. I had hoped the skirt would be a bit more ruffled, but there really wasn’t a lot of fabric in the bottoms. I wound up piecing together the sleeves, too. (Sorry for the unstaged “before” photo, but I was really excited to dive into this project!)

pajamas night shirt

Thankfully, I tested this on the Mickey pajamas first. Although she loves Mickey, she loves her Minnie pajamas even more. I will probably use one of my old t-shirts for that refashion. I also might keep the sleeves at 3/4 length. Oh, speaking of the sleeves, check out this awesome rolled hem. Swoon!

pajamas night shirt

refashion: Even though the sleeves and legs of my daughter’s clothes are getting too small, the body still fits nicely. I’m getting lots of opportunities to be creative!

wardrobe refashion: lollipop shirt

applique t-shirt

My daughter was absolutely devastated that her lollipop shirt had gotten too small. (Yes, devastated—three-year-old drama is so… dramatic!) So I did what any sewing mama would do: appliqué.

applique t-shirt

I used heat-n-bond and reinforced it with a zig zag stitch. My only mistake was leaving the extra heavy duty needle in the machine. I hope these holes don’t get any bigger!

applique t-shirt

refashion: Appliqué is a great way to give an old shirt new life. I can’t believe the new shirt is a size 5/6. My baby is getting so big!

my creative space

I am becoming known as the Master Unraveler. A friend of mine had two knit tablecloths, but didn’t know how to take them apart. They were seamed together, ruffled and hemmed with elastic. I took the first one from this:

unraveled tablecloth yarn

to this:

unraveled tablecloth yarn

In my creative space today, I’ll be tackling tablecloth number two. Did I mention that I get to keep some yarn for myself? Score!

Check out more creative spaces over at Kirsty’s blog.