loving the open road

drive to hastings nebraska

I love driving in the Midwest. It started with a trip T and I took across country while we were dating. Our country is so beautiful. There is so much to discover here and driving is the best way to find it. I especially love how each state has its own beauty: rocky and hilly, lush green grasses, golden fields. The latter really helps you understand the line “amber waves of grain.” Watching the wind blow through them is really wonderful.

When we headed out to Hastings last week, I got that same giddy feeling. The drive was less than two hours, but it filled me such happiness. I could feel the stress of daily life just melt away. The sky out here is so big and blue. You can see so far! I know there are places that have bigger skies and longer horizons, but this was enough for me. I feel so lucky that this is practically in my backyard. I also feel lucky to have the peace and quiet to soak it in. Road trips during nap time are especially nice.

bella napping

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new on julie-k: coffee sleeve of the month giveaway: spring flowers

weekend at the track

I found this picture while scrolling through my camera this morning and it really sums up our weekend in Hastings at the track.

at the track

The kids had a blast. They really play well together. If you ask Bella if she had a nice weekend, she’ll tell you, “I had fun playing with Mason!”

The weather was chilly, windy and drizzly. We stayed in a condo on the track with Mason’s parents and another couple. Our days were spent sitting on the couch watching Daddy’s car go by. There was no cable or internet. The kids watched a lot of Curious George dvds and we did a lot of reading, chatting, snacking and knitting. (I’ve got Wanda hooked, but can’t convince Lori to cast on.)

It was a really nice chance to get away. Close and affordable. Relaxing for me, lots of fun for Bella. Oh, and T had a great time, too.

easter weekend

crafty eggs

I’ve finally got some Easter pics up in the gallery. We had a really low key weekend. Saturday morning we hung out with friends and dyed eggs. Sunday morning we gave Bella her basket and hunted for eggs downstairs. She at a whole peeps and we’ve decided that she’s not having anymore candy until Halloween.

bella and peeps

We spent a lot of time on iChat with family in Maryland, took some naps and had ham for dinner. Bella never got out of her jammies. It was a nice, relaxing holiday with my two favorite people.

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new on julie-k: siouxsie t-shirt tote bag

more fun at the lincoln children’s museum

Today was an especially fun day at the children’s museum. It was quiet and empty. Bella and Leith were pretty content doing the same things at the same time, so Kelly and I got to spend some quality time chatting about important issues like fabric stashes and sewing patterns.

We did the usual stuff like playing with water…

bella children's museum

…and going on safari. (Kelly, thank you for taking this pic. I love it!)

bella children's museum

Bella and Leith went on patrol…

bella children's museum

…and Bella discovered face (and arm!) painting.

bella children's museum

It was a nice Friday afternoon. Of course, there was no napping during quiet time today, but Bella was great this evening while we stayed out past her bedtime to hang out with friends and eat Indian food. I think she was asleep before her head hit her pillow!

conversations in the car :: sorry, charlie

M: Mama, is this music Coldplay?

Me: No, sweetie. This is Charlie Sexton.

M: This music is Charlie Brown Sexton?

Me: It’s just Charlie Sexton, not Charlie Brown Sexton. He’s a singer.

M: Oh.

(long pause)

M: Mama, can you put in Coldplay?

thursday highs and lows

Last Thursday it was 70 degrees. Bella and I went for a lovely walk with Lauren and Brady. We did our regular loop, visited the ducks and even stopped for lunch. It was a beautiful morning. The first long walks after the cold of winter are like those big stretches when you wake up in the morning: refreshing and invigorating — an unfolding and uncurling of all the kinks from hibernation. Lauren took this picture of Bella when we stopped to say hello to the ducks. We all were a little high off of the sights and sounds and smells of Spring.

bella on our walk

Later that afternoon, during quiet time, I could hear Bella in her room. It sounded like coughing. At first I didn’t think anything of it. She’s been coughing to get attention since she was a wee little thing. But something didn’t feel right. I decided to check in on her. Ugh! She had thrown up her lunch all over her bedroom, including her bed and blanket (but thankfully not on any of her friends that aren’t machine washable). It’s the first time she’s been that sick since we found out about her milk intolerance when she was an infant. She was stunned. Shocked. She didn’t understand what had just happened.

I cleaned her up. I cleaned her bed and the floor. I was thankful that I knit her blanket out of washable yarn. We settled down, read books in the living room and she took a nap. The rest of the evening wasn’t so good, but she did sleep through the night once we got her to bed. Her spirits were up on Friday even though she didn’t eat much and by Saturday she was back to her old self.

It’s hard explaining being sick to a two-year old. The idea of food coming back up? of running to the bathroom when your tummy rumbles? of only taking little sips of water and avoiding solid food when your tummy is empty? All of those were completely confusing to her. It’s hard to watch your little one feel so low. I’m so grateful that she bounced back so quickly!

music class

We signed up for a music in motion class for the month of February. Last week was the first week, and it didn’t go so well. M was more curious about all of the teacher’s stuff on the table rather than listening to him. I did get her to try all of the instruments: tambourine, bells, shaker egg. She even danced a little bit. Mostly, she just wanted out, hanging on the doorknob whining, “I’m all done with music class! I want to get out of here!”

This week went MUCH better. She listened to the teacher and participated in all of the dancing, singing and playing. Most importantly, she didn’t try to escape! She even told anyone who would listen (dad, grandparents) that she had fun in music class. We’ve got two more weeks and I’m looking forward to it.

I have to mention that even though she likes music class, it’s not her favorite part of our trip to the Ager Center. After class, she and her friend Elsa head straight to the ball pit in the toddler area.

ball pit