When my daughter was in nature school, we were at Pioneers Park at least twice a week. It’s a gorgeous wildlife sanctuary with paths, an outdoor classroom, water, flowers, bison, elk, and even a bald eagle. When I saw the weather report for her first day off from school, I knew we had to go for a visit.
After a full morning of climbing, playing and eating lunch in the shade, we stopped by the Butterfly Garden and oh my, how it has blossomed!
It’s hard to believe that so much change can occur just in one season. I think of the changes in my daughter since then. Her long braid has been replaced with a short bob. She’s grown at least an inch, maybe more. She’s in elementary school now and at yesterday’s book fair we bought her first chapter book. Seems like just yesterday she was chewing on her board books.
Here’s a peak at the Butterfly Garden back in May (and that beautiful long braid).
flashback: Mother’s Tea in May
What changes have you noticed lately?