mending: t-shirt holes


I usually don’t spend time mending holes in my daughter’s shirts. She’s growing so fast that it doesn’t seem to make sense. However, sometimes holes happen to a favorite shirt — one we bought a little big so she could wear it a long time.

Usually, holes show up in sleeves and seams — easy places to hide a few stitches. This one was right in front. I was extra careful, but there was no hiding anything. So I decided to turn it into a decorative element.

I don’t do a lot of embroidery. I’m not the best at it, but I sewed a little daisy in matching thread. The result is actually kind of cute. I’ve seen people mend holes with a star stitch, but I think this is a little nicer. Of course, it would help if all of the petals turned out the same size!

closet overhaul

lapis skirt from 99 cent sale

Last week’s trip to the 99 cent sale did not disappoint. I found a ton of clothes for me! I spent just under $25 if that gives you any indication of how much stuff I brought home. It was all good stuff, too. A really nice Eddie Bauer dress, a couple of skirts, a few sweaters and a ton of shirts. It’s a good thing, too, because a lot of my shirts were starting to look like they’ve been worn by the mother of an (almost) four year old.

I had good luck with size, especially since I didn’t try on anything at the store. It was a madhouse and the lines for the fitting rooms were crazy. Only two shirts that I bought need to be re-donated.

When I got home, I had to face some things in my closet. Not only did a lot of my shirts need the heave-ho, but there were other things I needed to put behind me, like clothing that was too small. It was hard coming to grips with the fact that even as I lose weight, my 40 year old body just isn’t the same shape as my 30 year old body. Also, I had to take care of some items that had sentimental value. Do I really need to take a trip down memory lane every time I walk into my closet? No.

Two big trash bags of clothes left my closet while my new duds took a spin in the washer and they are headed up to the People’s City Mission this week. I went through my stack of refashioning-to-do and weeded out a few things, too.

It feels good to only have clothes that I know will fit and will look nice. It was hard work, though. Some silly emotional decisions, a lot of trying things on, and too many loads of laundry. I’ve also renewed my interest in what’s my refashion pile and will have some things to post here on the blog soon!

thrifting: The above Lapis skirt is one of my favorite finds. I think it will look great in both late Summer with flats and into the Fall with boots.

east campus garage sales: new fabric and yarn!

Last year I barely made a dent in the east campus garage sales. I had no idea how big they were. I took my husband and daughter to the textile sale and by the time I made my fabric purchase, my family was ready to go.

This year I went with my friend Kelly. We shopped all morning and got some great deals! I bought lots of cool fabric at the textile sale and some really nice clothes for refashioning. I did get a few other odds and ends, like a cookbook and some baking pans, but I know you just want to see the fabric, right? Here’s a small sampling of my favorites.

hillestad textile saleI got a mix of textures. These feel like canvas.

hillestad textile saleThese feel more like traditional upholstery fabric.

hillestad textile saleIsn’t this cool? It’s yarn sewn to fabric! I bought yellow one, too.

hillestad textile saleI can’t forget this total deal, even though it’s not fabric. Sweater in progress plus all remaining yarn for 25 cents. Yes, 25 cents. It’s superwash wool.

I’m going to wait to post the clothes, because you’ll see them in the “before” pics when they’re refashioned.

I think this was my last garage sale of the season. Today the air feels a little cooler. The sun is setting earlier, too. I feel like a squirrel who has worked all summer on a healthy stash. Now it’s time to stay in and start sewing!