christmas eve crafting with dad

gingerbread house with dad

I bought this little gingerbread house for my daughter to put together with her dad this afternoon while I do a little bit of sewing. It’s just a little crafty thing with some sticky appliqués and glitter, but they seem to really be enjoying themselves.

I’m planning to make some Christmas Eve pajamas for her to wear tonight. Better get off the computer and get sewing!

recycled crafts at the farmers’ market

farmers market

I am so excited that it’s May because that means Saturday mornings at the Farmers’ Market. There’s a little area called Iron Horse Park where Bella likes to play. This is also where you’ll find most of the craft vendors. So, while T and Bella hang out by the fountain and the train-shaped jungle gym, I wander and window shop (or should that be e-z-up-tent shop?).

I saw a lot recycled crafts this year. My two favorites were the t-shirt grocery bags and earrings made out of cds. I didn’t think to take pictures, but they are similar to this bag and these earrings on etsy. The lady who makes Capri Sun tote bags (like these) is also back this year.

Later in the season, when there are usually more vendors, I’m hoping to see more recycled crafty goodness. (And hopefully, I’ll remember to take some pictures!)