getting ready for summer

There are only five days left of school. I can’t believe it. The snow earlier this month has really thrown me off. After keeping my little plants inside for over a week because of freezing temps, all the sudden it’s in the 90s and they need to go in the ground! Well, sort of. I’m trying something new this year.


Since our veggies need to be portable, I’ve decided to use bucket planters. The tomatoes have already breathed a sigh of relief: Room! to grow! and stretch our branches! All that’s left is wrapping them in fabric to hide the ugly white plastic. I’m thinking burlap.


I’ve also hung plants where the topsy turvys used to be. I’ve always loved ferns and they’ve already made our outside space happier. They need a little bit of trimming, though. They’re all crazy right now, kind of like when I wake up after going to bed with wet hair. Ha!


The big project, which I have been dreading, is cleaning up an entire winter’s worth of dust and pollen. It’s everywhere: the furniture, the deck, the walls. But the sooner I get to it, the sooner we can start enjoying the beautiful weather. I can’t wait!

this moment: bridging to brownies

bridging to brownies

Twist me, turn me, and show me the elf. I looked in the water and saw MYSELF!

bridging to brownies

This week my Daisy scout bridged to Brownies. We are lucky to have such a beautiful park with this fantastic bridge to make the ceremony extra fun.

bridging to brownies

The girls filled our little corner of the park with laughter and squeals of excitement. They’re all pretty awesome.

This Moment is a Friday ritual inspired by Amanda Soule.

knitting group on a snowy night


Still working on the honey cowl. I’m making progress, but it’s slow going. I pretty much only work on it at my daughter’s soccer practice and at knitting group. I was tempted to skip tonight. It’s cold and rainy/sleety/slushy/snowy out. I’m glad I went, though. I have a feeling I might be stuck indoors tomorrow.

Is anyone else experiencing crazy Spring weather?

this moment + a blog reboot


So, I took a little break from the blog. Then I got out of the habit of blogging. Once I realized how long it had been, we had a national tragedy. Then I felt blogging about yarn and fabric seemed so insignificant. Finally, I realized that the earth is still turning and sooner or later you run out of excuses and you just need to start writing.

The easiest way to start back up for me was a moment from this week. My daughter has been working on a project with her mentor about Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan and Louis Braille for the past few weeks. Yesterday she got to present it to her class during share time. I just happened to be finishing volunteering and stayed in the back of the classroom to watch. She didn’t know I was there taking pics and a few snippets of video.

I am so darn proud of this girl. The first time she presented to her class, she was so nervous. It took a few days of us, her mentor and her teacher convincing her she could do it. (Ok, so an ice cream reward may have really cinched the deal.) Yesterday was the first time I got to see her in person, and although I could tell the nerves were still there, overall she sounded so confident! And her classmates seemed really interested in her topic, too. I am so grateful for the amazing educators in our lives. They do really good work.

tiny science, big fun

Last year when we went to NanoDays, I didn’t realize it was an annual, nationwide event. My daughter had so much fun we decided to go again; this time with a friend.


I figured many of the stations would be the same, which was fine because she approached them with a whole year of new knowledge and curiosity. I was happy to see some new experiments, as well.


I’ll take her to this every Spring as long as she has an interest. I like the diversity of the instructors, including gender. You know the saying, “If you can’t see it, you can’t be it.” I love seeing all of the female scientists and engineers at this event.

If you have a little science lover in your life, you should mark your calendar for this next Spring. The NanoDays website has a listing of events by state.

this moment: hanging out, literally


Overheard in our house today: “No bare feet in the snow!”

It’s hard to believe this was Monday. Gotta love our crazy Nebraska weather. (Also, I may have let her go barefoot for a little bit of our walk home.)

This Moment is a Friday ritual inspired by Amanda Soule.