first day of first grade

first day of school

Tuesday was back to school for us. I’m not sure how it’s possible that my baby is now a first grader. Last Spring we started walking home in the afternoons and this year we’ve added morning walks. I love watching her skip down the sidewalk bubbling with excitement. I hope she never loses her enthusiasm for learning.

On a crafty note: I finished the green scrappy scarf and I’m ready to start another one. I also need to cast on a second Boheme. It will be the same yarn so I’ll have to mix up the pattern a bit to keep it interesting.

trying to love spring cleaning

dusty deck furniture

Sometimes getting ready for the warm weather feels like a lot of work. Today I mowed the lawn, which is a new thing for me. I’m more of a inside chore girl, but I really like hanging out with my husband after work and so does my daughter. If I can mow the lawn during the day, that frees up evening and weekend hours for more family time.

I also tried to clear off some of the “prairie dust” from the furniture on the deck. It’s been so unseasonably warm that my daughter has been running through the sprinkler in the afternoons. There’s literally no place to sit that isn’t covered by a gritty layer of this muck. I’m not sure why it settles just on our deck. Maybe the direction of the wind? I battle it all summer long, but let it go during the winter months. I’m sure it’s a mix of great things like ragweed and grass pollen with a little bit of dirt thrown in for good measure.

Now I have a little spot to sit and knit while my daughter runs around outside. There’s still a lot more to be done, but until I know Spring is really here for good (we’ve gotten snow in April before) that’s all I’m doing.

Have you started spring cleaning yet?

rainy days and mondays

Last Monday I planned to take a lot of crafty pictures for the blog. It was the first day after spring break and I was excited to get down to work. Within minutes of dropping my daughter off at school it got very, very, very dark. I couldn’t believe it! Huge storm clouds were rolling in. I was so bummed.

Then I thought: I can still take pictures, just not what I had originally planned. I stayed close to home because I was worried the sky would open up at any minute. I pushed myself discover something new within the familiar sights of the front yard.

Mother Nature didn’t give me a lot of time, but I got a few good shots before heading back inside. I love that little nest!

stormy pictures

stormy pictures

stormy pictures

going back to kindergarten

volunteering at daughter's school

I knew when my daughter started kindergarten that I wanted to be involved with her school. I checked the PTO committees and even went to a meeting, but nothing clicked. I also looked at the part-time positions available on the school website. Still nothing.

Then, a few weeks after school started, volunteer forms came home. Yes. This was something I could do. Something I wanted to do. I signed up to help in the classroom and library.

Today was my second time in the classroom. I’m just doing little things like math folders, cutting out trees for a Fall project, and helping with numbers and letters. Slowly I’m putting faces to all of the names my daughter talks about at home. I even got to tag along when she went to reading group.

I remember talking about volunteering with a friend one day and she replied: “Do it! Even if you have to take time off from work. You won’t regret it.” I’m starting to understand her enthusiasm. In a few weeks, I’ll be in the library helping kindergartners choose books. I just know it’s going to be a lot of fun!

Have you volunteered at your child’s school? Share your experiences in the comments!

a beautiful day at the park

When my daughter was in nature school, we were at Pioneers Park at least twice a week. It’s a gorgeous wildlife sanctuary with paths, an outdoor classroom, water, flowers, bison, elk, and even a bald eagle. When I saw the weather report for her first day off from school, I knew we had to go for a visit.

After a full morning of climbing, playing and eating lunch in the shade, we stopped by the Butterfly Garden and oh my, how it has blossomed!

pioneers park

It’s hard to believe that so much change can occur just in one season. I think of the changes in my daughter since then. Her long braid has been replaced with a short bob. She’s grown at least an inch, maybe more. She’s in elementary school now and at yesterday’s book fair we bought her first chapter book. Seems like just yesterday she was chewing on her board books.

Here’s a peak at the Butterfly Garden back in May (and that beautiful long braid).

pioneers park

flashback: Mother’s Tea in May

What changes have you noticed lately?

spring fair

We managed to squeeze in a little fun time in between errands and chores this weekend. The church were Mirabella goes to preschool had a Spring Fair today.

red light green light

We only stayed for a short time, but she managed to play games, make crafts, get her face painted and have a cupcake. Add beautiful weather and we had all the ingredients for a fun spring morning.

face painting