equal time for sunsets


This was the sky on Friday around 6 pm. Someday I’d love to take my real camera out, but there’s always so much going on at this time of evening: dinner, girl scouts, tae kwon do. The trees behind my house make it hard to get a good pic. Maybe I should start driving around with the camera in my car.

another beautiful sunrise

february sunrise

Before I become known as the sunrise blogger, I just have to say that I can’t ignore the beautiful mornings we’ve had lately. It’s as if the sky is calling me outside into the cold morning saying, “Document my beauty!” How can I argue with the sky? I varied things up a bit by taking a portrait photo instead of landscape. (I think I prefer landscape.)

These moments occur so fast. The sun has to hit the clouds just right. A few minutes before is just a dusky blue; a few minutes after is just another blue sky. Right in between is where you see the magic.

I’ve missed the magic more than once. All it takes is a few minutes to grab a coat and find my slippers or help my daughter pick out her clothes for the day. You have to admire the patience of nature photographers. They have so much time invested in that one perfect shot, especially in far out remote locations. It makes me grateful for the brief moments I capture on my front porch.

swipe file: under the palapa

aruba beach

I made a resolution to check in with my creativity at least once a day in 2013. Life gets crazy sometimes and I have a habit of ignoring my creative spirit. Last year I let too many of those days happen.

I may not always have a new project or photo to share, but I’ve got a hard drive filled with beautiful images that I’ve taken over the years. I like to think of them as a swipe file of sorts: not springboards for new ideas, but rather snapshots of past inspiration. When I’m really busy or get stuck on something, it’s my hope that visiting with these images will keep my creative muscles limber.

Did you make any creative resolutions for this year?

my daughter has a good eye


Every once and a while my daughter grabs the iPad and starts clicking away. I should probably start a series for her pics.

I love this shot. Yes, it’s grainy and blurry, but there’s something about the movement and composition that just gets me every time I look at it.

Do the children in your life capture amazing moments? Share in the comments!

“good morning sunshine” desktop background

january sunrise

Yes, I am that person standing out in the cold in her jammies taking pictures of the sky at seven in the morning. Something this beautiful deserves the effort, don’t you think?

I’ve saved it as a desktop background. Feel free to download and share.

community crops farm walk

I was invited to share my first CSA experience with Community CROPS on their blog. While I was writing, I realized I had some pictures from the Farm Walk that would be fun to share. It was a lovely evening and my daughter had a blast. If you’re local, I recommend going next year. It will be at their new farm.

Anyone want to guess what vegetable comes from the plants in picture number three?

crops farm walk pepper

crops farm walk chicken

crops farm walk asparagus tops

crops farm walk ginger

crops farm walk sunflower

“batty” halloween desktop background

bat on a brick wall

I spied this little bat over the summer in Kearney, Ne. It was the only one I saw in all of downtown. Not sure if there is a meaning behind it or not. Google couldn’t give me any answers.

It makes a nice desktop background for October.

Feel free to download and share.