hello november!

early morning frost

I don’t have any crafty pictures today, so I thought I’d share one that I took of the morning frost at the park. It’s got me thinking about the cold weather that’s almost upon us. (Here’s a larger size so you can see the ice crystals.)

My daughter goes on a hike at nature school, so we can’t simply run from the car to the door. Well, I can, but she’s got to dress for the weather. I have to pull out her hat and mittens and see if they still fit.

I’m mending one of my favorite sweaters that has worn elbows. I’m taking pictures and will share all of the steps with you this week.

I made a big pot of soup and an apple crisp this weekend. I also spent a lot of time under my one of my favorite blankets.

I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving and making holiday gift lists.

Today I voted. Tomorrow I will turn the phone ringer back on.

wardrobe refashion: beach dress blahs

wardrobe refashion: beach dress

I bought this dress because I thought it would be nice for the beach. After taking it in at the waist (sorry, you can’t really tell in the photos) and shortening the hem to knee length, it’s not really doing anything for me.

wardrobe refashion: beach dress

My husband says it looks good, but it makes me feel kind of blah. I’m still keeping it for vacation, but it will probably get donated after that!

how to: turtleneck sweater turns cardigan in
5 easy steps

So many knitters are scared of the s-word.* It’s really not that terrible. In fact, I’ve been cutting into sweaters for years to make pillows, scarves and tote bags. You just need to get over the fear that all of the stitches will immediately unravel. Take it from someone who unravels sweaters a lot. It’s not that easy for a sweater to fall apart.

how to: turtleneck sweater turns cardigan in 5 easy steps
original turtleneck

I’ve been cleaning out my closet and have a lot of beautiful pullover sweaters that I don’t wear anymore. I keep them because the wool is so nice. Sometimes I think I will knit them into something else. I don’t know where I think I’m going to find the time. After my Fair Isle class at knitting retreat, I decided to turn my pullovers into cardigans.

how to: turtleneck sweater turns cardigan in 5 easy steps
new cardigan

I decided to practice on a thrifted sweater first. I picked a cotton/acrylic blend that was in the donation pile. It had a weird texture — kind of like chenille. Man, was that collar hard to unravel. If you want to practice first, I recommend trying a sweater made out of a nice, simple, plain yarn.

This is a short and sweet tutorial. I assume you understand the anatomy of a knit stitch, know how to pick up stitches and crochet a decorative trim.

seam ripper
sharp scissors
sewing machine
crochet hook

Step 1
Remove the seam that attaches the collar to the sweater. Unravel collar yarn and save for later.

Step 2
Find the middle column of stitches. Using a sewing machine, sew a line of stitches two columns to the right and two columns to the left.

Step 3
Carefully cut up the middle column of stitches.

how to: turtleneck sweater turns cardigan in 5 easy steps
collar removed, stitches sewn and cut

how to: turtleneck sweater turns cardigan in 5 easy steps
close up of sewn stitches

Step 4
Using the unraveled collar yarn, pick up and single crochet a stitch for each row of stitches. I started at the bottom, worked my way up and around the neck and back down the other side. (Some will tell you to pick up three stitches for every four rows. I say do what feels right, looks good and doesn’t pucker.)

Step 5
Depending on how much yarn you have left, crochet a decorative border. I chose a simple shell edging.

how to: turtleneck sweater turns cardigan in 5 easy steps
close up of crochet edge

If you want to try this with a crew neck and don’t have enough matching yarn, use a different color or texture to jazz things up. You could also add buttons using chain stitch button holes.

This project is easy once you get over the fear of cutting into knitted stitches. I finished this in two afternoons.

refashion: I’m excited to start wearing some of my favorite wool sweaters again. I’ll be posting my progress as I go. A special thanks to Lynn Anne for giving me the courage to cut!

*s-word is steek!

thrifty find: green sweater

Finally! The thrifty find I missed last week. This isn’t actually my find. I guess when you regularly blog about recycling, reusing and refashioning, you get a reputation. A few weeks ago, my friend Kelly texted me this:

fixing green sweater

Kelly: Knit emergency: think you could repair this? Hanger damage on an Eileen Fisher sweater.
Me: I think so. It looks like a lot of dropped stitches, but the yarn seems intact. Are any of the strands cut?
Kelly: Nothing cut as far as I can tell. It’s a *huge* discount, and I’ll buy no matter what, but having it repaired would be an excellent bonus, you know?
Me: We’ll make it work.

Actually, I thought this would be a simple pick-up-the-stitches job, but too long on the hanger had pulled the neighboring stitches too tight. I got out a tiny crochet hook and gently started pulling on loops. I tightened up the loose stitches and tried to evenly distribute the yarn across the others. It wasn’t the most exciting task. (For the quilters out there, it made my eyes cross like endless stitching in the ditch.) It was worth it though. Except for three or four stitches that just won’t behave, everything else looks good.

fixing green sweater

Of course, my “dedication” to perfection comes into question again. This area is mostly covered by the long, cowl-like collar. No one will ever see my work. Kind of crazy? Well, at least I know it looks good.

There’s another thrifty find to this story. When Kelly gave me the sweater to fix, she also gave me a pair of very nice, dark denim J. Crew jeans that she found thrifting. They fit awesome and I love them. Thanks again, Kelly!

my creative space

My creative space today is a progress report on last week’s space.

mend wool sweater

The sleeve repair went smoothly, mostly because it was stockinette and straight forward kitchener stitch. I didn’t have yarn close enough in color so I “borrowed yarn” from the sweater’s seams. It wasn’t an exact match, but better than what I had on hand. I used stash yarn to re-seam the sides.

mend wool sweater

The ribbing was a little more difficult. The mended spots were definitely sturdy, but they weren’t the prettiest. I used yarn from my stash for the nitty gritty details and then duplicate stitched over the grafted parts with the sweater seam yarn for a nice looking finish.

I’m still trying to decide if the attention to detail with the duplicate stitch is worthy of praise or borderline crazy. Either way, I think it looks really nice.

What’s going on in your creative space today? Share in the comments! Then head over to Kirsty’s blog to see what everyone else is up to today.

resources: The grafting methods I used were kitchener stitch and weaving method for holes, both from knitty.com. You can also find really good grafting articles in the Interweave Knits Spring 2010 issue and in the Spring/Summer 2010 Vogue Knitting.

my creative space

This week in my creative space I’m mending. Crazy thing is that it isn’t even my sweater. In fact, I don’t even know the owner. A friend of friend needed help fixing a Very Important Sweater. It was a wedding gift. It’s over 20 years old. Could I repair the holes? Reinforce the weak spots?

my creative space

I don’t know which made me happier: the fact that my friend had such confidence in my abilities or the prospect of fixing something that meant so much to someone. I tackled the big hole first, knowing it would be smooth sailing from there. Here it is ready for the grafting.

my creative space

It was trickier than I thought, but also easier than I thought. My experience with unraveling sweaters combined with my recent retreat class on steeking has really made me kind of fearless of dropped stitches.

Pop on over to Kirsty’s blog to check out this week’s creative spaces.

p.s. I’ve received a few requests for the crocheted star pattern from yesterday’s post. It’s another Chromium Star blanket and you can find it here.

wardrobe refashion: linen skirts

It’s no secret that shopping for pants drives me nuts. And the capri pants I complained about last year didn’t even make it through the season. So, I’ve decided to make a bunch of skirts for this summer and yesterday I started with these two linen lovelies by Laura Ashley.

laura ashley linen skirts

No before pictures because I didn’t change that much. They were really long and too big in the waist. Here’s what I did to them.

  • Washed in hot water and tumble dried to preshrink them.
  • Chopped off about 10 inches and made a 1/2 inch double fold hem.
  • Used a seam ripper to open up the elastic waist casing.
  • Cut the elastic down to the right size and then sewed everything back up.

I am absolutely in love with the result. The linen is so lightweight and soft—perfect for summer. I thought about making them a little bit shorter, but spending time at the park today with our crazy Nebraska winds convinced me they are the right length. Also, I’m loving the fact that they have pockets!

thrifted: Bought these at the Goodwill 99 cent sale. That’s right! My Laura Ashley linen skirts cost me a whopping $2.

wardrobe refashion: the first of many t-shirts

nebraska t shirt

You know you’re getting old when the phrase, “They don’t make them like they used to…” creeps into your conversations. But seriously, can someone explain to me how my Gap t-shirts from college are still going strong almost 20 years later, but t-shirts from the past few years are falling apart?

I have this grand idea of updating all of those boxy, over-sized tees into a more modern and flattering fit. First, I need some practice. I’ve made a few patterns from existing t-shirts that I like and I’m also trying out the t-shirt pattern in Wendy Mullin’s Sew U Stretch.

My first try was a thrifted XL Nebraska shirt. It turned out pretty good for a beginner shirt. The sleeves are kind of tricky, though. I definitely need a little bit more practice before cutting into my ol’ Gap favorites.

thrifted: I always try to practice on thrifted material and clothing first. I’d rather mess up on a 99 cent t-shirt than on the good stuff!

wardrobe refashion: pj pants to nightshirt

When I was at my craft weekend away, one of my friends was serging a nightshirt for her daughter. Another friend was making dresses out of t-shirt scraps. I blame them for this crazy idea: a nightshirt out of a pajama top and bottom scraps.

pajamas night shirt

This was a lot cuter in my head and my sketches than it turned out. I had hoped the skirt would be a bit more ruffled, but there really wasn’t a lot of fabric in the bottoms. I wound up piecing together the sleeves, too. (Sorry for the unstaged “before” photo, but I was really excited to dive into this project!)

pajamas night shirt

Thankfully, I tested this on the Mickey pajamas first. Although she loves Mickey, she loves her Minnie pajamas even more. I will probably use one of my old t-shirts for that refashion. I also might keep the sleeves at 3/4 length. Oh, speaking of the sleeves, check out this awesome rolled hem. Swoon!

pajamas night shirt

refashion: Even though the sleeves and legs of my daughter’s clothes are getting too small, the body still fits nicely. I’m getting lots of opportunities to be creative!

wardrobe refashion: lollipop shirt

applique t-shirt

My daughter was absolutely devastated that her lollipop shirt had gotten too small. (Yes, devastated—three-year-old drama is so… dramatic!) So I did what any sewing mama would do: appliqué.

applique t-shirt

I used heat-n-bond and reinforced it with a zig zag stitch. My only mistake was leaving the extra heavy duty needle in the machine. I hope these holes don’t get any bigger!

applique t-shirt

refashion: Appliqué is a great way to give an old shirt new life. I can’t believe the new shirt is a size 5/6. My baby is getting so big!