I made a deal with myself that I was going to lose some weight before fall. I didn’t want to have to go out and buy new clothes just because the ones in my closet didn’t fit. I was doing really good until vacation. Pretty much all of the weight I lost at the end of the summer came back home with me on the plane. When we landed, there was snow on the ground. I couldn’t put it off any longer. I had to buy some new pants.
My wardrobe refashion pledge actually made me feel like this process would be easier. At a thrift store, you’ve got all kinds of brands and sizes on the same rack. I figured I would have a better chance at finding something than at a single brand store. I was wrong. It took 3 different stores and trying on about 20-30 different pairs at each store, to find one pair of jeans and two pairs of corduroys that fit.
Although this was harder work than just heading over to the mall, I feel much better with the quality of clothing I bought. Those capris that I complained about last spring barely lasted the season. I am not about to put that much time and effort into clothes that don’t last.
So why am I having a hard time trying to keep my pledge?
I know that if I walked into The Gap and found a pair of pants that fit perfectly, I’d have to buy a pair in every style and color. Seriously. And I won’t lie to you. I’ve been saving my Get out of Refashionista Jail Free card just in case. Pants that fit well make or break how someone looks, in my opinion. I can look past ratty sneakers or a worn t-shirt any day, but I can’t be busting out of my jeans. I just can’t.
What about you?
Are you fed up with the lack of consistent sizing in women’s clothing? Do brand new clothes last more than one season for you? Am I the only one who gets this darn frustrated over a pair of pants?